Free Security Guard Training

Are you for free options to complete your training? You are at the right place. We have a list of all the services available for you to get the required schooling at either no cost to you or at a reduced cost. You will have to hustle to be eligible for free security guard training, but such an opportunities are certainly possible.

Becoming a guard requires one to get trained and licensed from a school that has been approved to provide such courses.

However enrolling for a program can be expensive can easily run up to $500 and one must explore options to reduce these expenses and also look for options to qualify for such programs for free.

Where can I find free security guard training?

In most states only approved schools can provide can prepare you by providing relevant and approved coursework. So there are limited such opportunities but if you are smart about your options, you may definitely be able to reduce the cost of the program significantly while meeting the requirements set by the state.

You can use these tips to secure your free spot in New York City (including Brooklyn and Bronx), Chicago or any other city. While the availability of such options are limited, following these steps will help you in increasing your chances for landing one.

Request For A Spot To Evaluate The program

Approach two to three reputed schools and ask them for if they can offer you initial parts of the course at no cost and in exchange you will offer them an evaluation of the course. Some schools may have vacant spots that they may give to you. You can also offer to volunteer your time for the security school in exchange for them enrolling you. If the security school is in need of some help, they will be more than willing to make this trade.

Financial Assistance

If you are in need of financial assistance, then approach the unemployment center in your area and ask if they have a program that can sponsor the cost of your courses. You can also seek assistance from NGOs or reach out to family members for financial help. You may have to convince them that you are serious about your career choice and you will work hard to get a job and repay them.

Getting Trained By Your Future Employer

Approach a  course providing company and express interest in joining them. Many private firms will offer free instructions to prospective candidates on the condition that they join them after successfully completing the requirements. This could be a double win for you. You won’t have to pay for your prep coursework  and at the same time you will have a job when you finish your training. If you want to see which security guard agencies to contact for this, approach a school nearby and ask them about their top recruitment or if they can refer you to an agency.

Getting Discount On Your Out-of-pocket Costs

If none of these approaches work to get you an all expenses paid course, you can try to sign up for a discounted rate. Ask the receptionist at the front desk in the training school if they offer any discounts on the training package. Also compare prices for training from various schools in your area. If none of them are offering a discount, you should go with the one that offers the lowest price.

Investment In Your Career

Remember the money you spend on training is an investment in your career and it may also be tax deductible, so if you are unable to find free training, consider paying for it out of pocket, you will be able to recover training expenses by working for less than two weeks in most cases. That is a good return on your investment. You can also ask your employer to reimburse for the cost of training.

If you come across any resources for security training, please send it to us and I will update this page with a list of all available options.

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